Welcome Remarks by Mr. Ramesh Parasuraman, President- SPE India - at RACE 4 Asia #Recycling And #CircularEconomy, a #VirtualConference. For Further Details, Visit speindia.net / raceconference
Founded Allied Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd. in 1995. An Engineering Graduate. Responsible for deploying the Company's strategic vision and developing business alliances. Partner in Genesis Nutech LLP and Gennext Strategy Advisors LLP. A member of various associations like SPE, AIPMA, OPPI, IPI.
Has been closely associated with SPE India since 2011. Was elected as the Hon. Secretary of the Society of Plastic Engineers India 2012 to 2014, 2014 to 2016, 2016 to 2018 and then elected as the President-Elect of SPE India from 2018 to 2021. He shall now be taking the mantle of President of SPE India from 2021 to 2023.
Has been involved in various SPE activities, including organizing several conferences and workshops.
He is part of the Editorial Committee of Plastindia's Insights Magazine.
He was part of AIPMA Committee for Seminars and Conferences.
He has been Chairman and Co Chairman of several Committees for Plastindia Exhibition.
He has presented papers at various seminars organized by professional bodies and industry associations. Responsible for setting up the first Gas Assist Injection System in India. Has hands-on experience in Gas Assist Injection Moulding, design and process. Business experience in all fields of Plastic Processing viz; Injection, Blow and Extrusion. Has an extensive knowledge and interest in large diameter HDPE Plastic Pipes.
Mr. Ramesh Parasuraman, President Elect, SPE India at the RACE 3 Conference 2020
With a motive to raise awareness on how Plastics have played a key role in helping protect our world as we navigate through a pandemic, SPE (Society of Plastic Engineers) India in association with PWorld and Polymerupdate, held a virtual online conference RACE-3 on July 17, 2020.
The conference highlighted on the significance of handling plastics in a responsible manner and the importance of moving from a linear to a circular economy by discussing recycling and redesigning of plastic products.
With renowned industry experts from across the world, RACE-3 was a grand success, as the viewers and delegates actively participated in large numbers and gained knowledge on the importance of plastics waste management and effective regulation of the disposal of face masks, face shields and gloves etc after they had served their purpose.
Allied Solutions India Private Limited Present An Exclusive interview of our MD Mr. Ramesh Parasuraman.
Founded Allied Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd. in 1995. An Engineering Graduate. Responsible for deploying the Company’s strategic vision and developing business alliances. A member in various associations SPE, AIPMA, OPPI, IPI.
Was elected as the Hon. Secretary of Society of Plastic Engineers India 2012 to 2014
Was reelected as the Hon. Secretary of Society of Plastic Engineers India 2014 to 2017
Part of the Editorial Committee of Plastindia’s Insights Magazine 2015 to 2018
Part of AIPMA Committee for Seminars and Conferences
Co Chairman of IT Committee for Plastindia 2018
Reelected as the Hon. Secretary of Society of Plastic Engineers India 2017 to 2019
He has presented papers at various seminars organized by professional bodies and industry associations. Has Chaired many technical sessions in conferences. Responsible for setting up the first Gas Assist Injection System in India, at Philips Ltd. Calcutta. Has hands on experience in Gas Assist Injection Moulding, design and process. Business experience in all fields of Plastic Processing viz; Injection, Blow and Extrusion.
Allied Solutions India Private Limited Presents : GRAEWE - ONE OF THE WORLD'S LARGEST PIPE COILERS
Coilers for profile extrusion With horizontal or vertical coiling axis (plate winder) for spools or drums, these machines guarantee to coil various profiles without applying tension.
• Special dimensions for swift arms • Length measuring device • Ultrasonic dancer control • Accumulator • Adhesive Tape dispensor • Transport rollers • Precision traverse control with ball spindle and servodrive • Up-rated drives • Control panel for automatic storage and retrieval of process parameters • Integrated cutting unit
Advantages at a glance:
• Sturdy design • Long lasting components, low maintenance • Compact dimensions • Good coiling quality by using latest drive technologies • Safety guards • Many options allow to modify the coiler to special customer requirements
#AlliedSolutionsIndia #SPEIndia #PlasticPipes2017 #SwamiSwatmananda #ChinmayaMission #SuccessWithoutStressOur MD, Mr. Ramesh Parasuraman was invited as a Guest Editor for IPI Journal | February - March 2018 Issue | Allied Solutions India
Our MD, Mr. Ramesh Parasuraman with Swami Swatmananda
Our MD, Mr. Ramesh Parasuraman with Swami Swatmananda
Our Managing Director (MD), Mr. Ramesh Parasuraman also the Hon. Secretary of Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) India hosting the Evening Speech by Swami Swatmananda on "Success without Stress" at Plastic Pipes 2017 International Conference held on 23rd November, 2017 at The Leela Hotel, Mumbai.
#AlliedSolutionsIndia #SPEIndia #PlasticPipes2017 #SwamiSwatmananda #ChinmayaMission #SuccessWithoutStressDamla Plast appoints Allied Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. as their exclusive representative to launch their Drip Irrigation Lines in India.
With an experience of 35 years, Damla Plast have become one of the distinguished companies in the sector by constantly improving since the year 2002. They owe the said success to the performance tests, conducted before installation, rapid service network, their insistence on quality, their innovative works, their devotion to their work, and their esteemed customers.
Damla Plast is well known for Drip Irrigation Systems which includes, Drip Irrigation Pipes, Injection Molds, Flat Drip Irrigation Pipes, Round Drip Irrigation Pipes, Round - Flat Drippers, Pipe Production Lines, Symmetric and Nano Flat Drip Irrigation Pipe Production Lines, Round Drip Irrigation Pipe Production Lines, Pe Pipe Production Lines and many more.With our proficiency and technology we have settled more than 150 turnkey pipe extrusion lines in Turkey, Balkans, South America, North Africa, CIS and Middle-East.
Our product range includes:
To get more details on the Tie-up and Drip Irrigation Lines, feel free to contact us at info@alliedsolutions.com
Amut Extruders for DWC Pipes
This video features the latest DWC Pipes Extruders from our principal Amut Group in Italy.Amut Group & Allied Solutions India wins Best Stall Award in Plastivision 2017
Plastivision India is organized by All India Plastic Manufacturer’s Association (AIPMA), the largest non-profit apex body working towards welfare of the plastic industry. Amut Group & Allied Solutions India won Best Stall Award, at the award function which was held during the Plastivision India 2017 Exhibition & Conference at Mumbai, Maharashtra on 23rd January, 2017.
Article in Plastindia Insights on Hot Runner Systems – Ramesh Parasuraman (MD) | July 2016 Edition | Allied Solutions
KRAH AG – Wins Plasticon Awards 2015
Plastindia Foundation had instituted the 'Plasticon Awards' to felicitate excellence and innovation in the field of Plastics. The award function was held during the Plastindia International Exhibition & Conference at Gandhinagar, Gujarat on February 5th, 2015.AMUT – Advertisement in Modern Plastics India December 2014 Edition
AMUT has been devoted to the manufacture of extrusion plants for processing thermoplastic materials even since it was established in 1958.Our MD, Mr. Ramesh Parasuraman's interview in Plastics News November 2014 Edition
PLASTIC NEWS interviews with industry experts time to time, giving up to date information to its clients.BAUER – Advertisement in PLASTISCOPE October 2014 Edition
Gas assisted moulding involves the introduction of nitrogen under pressure to the mould cavity at a set time during the moulding cycle. The aim is to either hollow out thick section mouldings or eliminate sinkage and/or warpage in thin section injection mouldings. Gas injection can also result in stronger parts due to the 'box section' effect.